We had a great Christmas this year!
On Christmas Eve, we had our Christmas with Alison's parents (well John had to work until 6 pm so he didn't come over until after work). We had our usual breakfast casserole and then opened presents. Camryn racked up, of course. She was excited about all she got and that is what is so fun about Christmas! Her Pawpaw got her a magic kit...she seemed a little disappointed that is was more "trick" that "magic". Santa brought the family the game "Scene It- TV Edition". It was fun. The four of us played and then when John came over we played again. It was relaxing and fun to be with family. To see pictures of this you will have to go to the link for "Momma's Photos" and click on the Christmas Folder.
On Christmas Morning, we woke up and opened the gifts we got each other. Then in a mad rush we loaded up the Explorer and went to Keith and Janna's for our Kerr Christmas. Not our normal Kerr Christmas, because Pat's family didn't come and Bobby and Melba could only stay for a few hours, but it was fun to get together and eat and play games. Melba made breakfast casserole and we ate and then opened some presents. Then we played Cranium! That game is always fun. After Bobby and Melba left to do Christmas with her family, Janna and I had made snack foods and Keith had smoked a ham and chicken. We just ate and ate and ate...even when we weren't hungry we ate some more! We played Hand and Foot and then Mexican Train.
Well as you can tell we had a good time during Christmas. Now is it time to start exercising to work off the extra food that was eaten during this time. Click on "Our Photos" link to the right to see pictures.
Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Christmas Update
Posted by
12:37 PM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
New Things in Our Lives
Well there is quite a bit going on with us...excluding the Christmas Holiday.
1) This week John became Full-Time at Dillard's. That is an answer to prayer as he really enjoys working there and has wanted to be full-time for a while now.
2) Because John is now full-time, he is having to be a work either when the store opens or around noon. That making finding someone to take him to work difficult. So, his dad helped out in getting his license reinstated so he can drive and Keith offered the Ford Explorer for him to drive...so as of yesterday, he has a vehicle and can drive himself to work. Another answer to prayer.
3) Since this summer, I have really been thinking and praying about selling Premier Jewelry as a side business. Now that John works a lot of nights and the weekends, I realized this would be the perfect time for me to start selling Premier Jewelry. So, today I am expecting the FedEx driver with my starter kit and package of sample jewelry. Premier's core values are God, then Family, then work. Pray for me to be God's light to all the people I come in contact with in Home Shows. Also, if you want to have a party, our hostess receive 30% of total retail sales in FREE jewelry! So get in touch with me and we can get your Home Show on my calendar!
Oh yeah...and Christmas is coming in 4 days!!!
God Bless you and your family this Christmas Season!
Posted by
8:00 AM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Update on John
Just a small update on John. He was feeling better yesterday, but was pretty sore. We went over to Park Plaza mall to do a little shopping and after a while, he started to swell more (he said he looked like a chipmunk) and seemed to be a little feverish...so we headed back home. He took his medication and some Advil and that seemed to help. He was sleeping good this morning when I left for work. Keep praying for continued healing...and thanks to those who have called to check on him.
Posted by
7:12 AM
Monday, December 11, 2006
Doing Good

Posted by
2:28 PM
Friday, December 8, 2006
Removal of Wisdom Teeth
Posted by
1:54 PM
Friday, December 1, 2006
It is COLD here this morning! Yesterday was a nasty rainy day with the temperatures dropping all day. Last night around 8:30 or 9:00 I noticed the wind really started to pick up and by around 10 p.m. it was already drying off the roads but getting much colder. It would have been nice to see some snowflakes, but unfortunately that did not happen at my house.

Posted by
7:09 AM
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Moving into the Christmas Season

Andrea and Camryn - trying for a picture for their Christmas Card.
Friday (Nov. 24) - John worked from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Andrea, Camryn and I went shopping. We even took Momma's small SUV so that we could fit all our treasure's. First stop, Kohl's, who had the best deals, apparently...the lines were from the front of the store to the back. Since they were out of the Christmas tree they advertised...we left. 2nd stop, Circut City-out of the digital camera Andrea was looking for...we left quickly. 3rd stop, Dillard's to drop John's name badge off....success! We went to Old Navy and Camryn got a new outfit that will be cute, when it gets cold outside. There were a couple of more stops (Linen's and Things, Best Buy) that were a bust. Then we made it to Hobby Lobby....we both found things there that we needed for Christmas...I got a new tree and Andrea got lots of things to decorate her tree. After this we were tired and the Hogs were playing at 1:30 p.m. We had lunch and went home! I did start decorating and cleaning our apartment. Finished it up on Saturday. Pictures posted below.
As you can see we had fun on our Thanksgiving Break! Now it is time to concentrate on Christmas!

Posted by
7:08 AM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Reflecting over this past year
As I think about this past year there are many things that I am so thankful for, but for now I will list the main three things I am thankful for. These are the three that have continually played over and over in this past year in our lives.
1. I am so thankful that the Lord can break the shackles of bondage on a person's life.
2. I am so thankful for JEHOVAH JIREH - God my Provider
3. I am so thankful for family and friends who care so much and hold you up in prayer when you feel like everything is falling apart.
This past year has been a year of new beginnings for me and John. We have had the chance to become best friends again. As we enter this time of Thanksgiving and Christmas, I am excited to spend it with family and friends.
I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us this next year!
Posted by
7:15 AM
Friday, November 17, 2006
National Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
Most of you may not be aware that November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. In August of 2005 my mother-in-law lost her battle with Pancreatic Cancer. This is a terrible disease because most of the time it is not caught until the cancer has spread to other organs.
My brother-in-law has done a lot of research to find out what research is being done for pancreatic cancer. There is not a lot but he did find Pancreatic Cancer Action Network that puts their funds to good use in searching for a cure/earlier detection of Pancreatic Cancer. If you feel that you can give even a little bit to help us raise the $2,000 goal, please do so!
Also, here is the link to the PanCAN website:
It is during the holiday time that I really miss my Mother-in-law! She was always so excited to get all her family together at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Since she loved Christmas time so much, she always liked to come over after I got all my Christmas decorations up and see what I had done. She would go on-and-on about how I had everything decorated so pretty. Even though she always said it (and frankly, got on my nerves sometimes), I now just wish she were here to say it to me again.
Always treasure the time you have with family. Don't waste time arguing and fighting...spend your time loving each other with all your heart! You never know when you might not get to tell and show that person you love them.
Posted by
1:57 PM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
A Few Pictures
You will probably not see as many pictures on here as those blogs of parents, but here are a few photos so you can see us recently:
This is John and I in front of the Grand Teton Mountain Range in Jackson, Wyoming. We were blessed enough to be able to go on this trip in May 2006 with John's middle brother's family (Keith, Janna, Kristi, Zak, Lauren and Grayson (in utero)) and his dad (Bobby). We had a great time.

Posted by
9:40 AM
Might as well join in the Fun!
Well it seems this is the new way of communicating to family and friends the going's-on in our lives. So I thought I would give it a try.
So far I am enjoying my new position at work. I am training so I spend a lot of my day reading and trying to get a grip on the new lingo and acronyms involved in this job. I'm thinking that although I enjoyed the Basic Statistics class in college (because it was a lot like Algebra) I might be getting a Statistics for Dummies book soon to help understand some of the aspects of my job.
John started working at Dillard's last week in the Housewares department. He really likes it and even made the choice to work on this day off to help us out in the finance department.
Yesterday during the day I worked with my headphones on listening to Christian music. I forgot how much I enjoy doing that...I used to do it all the time when I worked in Claims, but my jobs since then have not afforded me that luxury. Anyway, yesterday was slower, so I listened to Shane and Shane. I do not know how many times I listened to their song "Yearn" but it struck a cord with me and I want you to be able to see the words to this song:
Holy design
This place in time
that I might seek and find my God
My God
Lord I want to yearn for You
I want to burn with passion
Over You and only You
Lord I want to yearn
Your joy is mine
Yet why am I fine
With all my singing and bringing grain
In light of Him (Chorus)
Oh You give life and breath
(through Him You give all things)
In Him we live and move that's why I sing
(Acts 17:25-28, Hebrews 12:28-29)
I hope this is your heart cry as well.
Posted by
9:25 AM