I am praying for great 2008 for my family and yours! See you next year!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Renovations and Christmas Cheer
We are on the tale end of renovating and moving my little sister and her daughter into her first house. It was a little house with potential and after we are all done I will post pictures of before and after! WOW...you will see what a little paint and a few new updates will do to a house.
We had a great Christmas with the Kerr's in Branson. John and I went up on Thursday evening and stayed next to Branson Landings. We shopped all day on Friday and then met up with the rest of the Kerr's at the house we rented. It was spacious for the 4 teens, 1 pre-teen, 1 baby and 8 adults. As always we had lots of fun and LOTS of food.
We came back on Sunday and continued to help with the efforts on Andrea's house. Monday...worked on Andrea's house. Tuesday, we opened a few gifts at home and then went to Momma's for Brunch and gifts. Then we all headed over to Andrea's to work on her house...then back to Momma's for dinner!
Yesterday, after being sick the evening before, I stayed at home from work. Ended up feeling somewhat better yesterday afternoon and headed to Andrea's to help with getting the Kitchen almost finished.
More work will be done at Andrea's today and this weekend we should be getting everything out of the apartment and into her house.
Pictures will be posted of all Christmas and the renovations after this weekend.
Hope you had a fun time with family this Christmas season!
Posted by
10:35 AM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Merry Christmas from the other crappy gift
John took the test and he is:
You Are a Losing Lottery Ticket! |
Full of hope and promise. But in the end, a cheap letdown. |
Posted by
5:18 PM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
More Christmas Fun
Because I'm Oh So Cozy and Warm...
You Are Socks! |
Cozy and warm... but easily lost. You make a good puppet. |
Posted by
12:16 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
A Little Christmas Cheer
A whole other direction from my previous posts!
I was bored last night and this cracked me up. Try it for yourself. Play around with the pictures you choose.
Posted by
7:12 AM
Friday, November 30, 2007
When Wallflowers Dance...Last Clips
Listen as Angela encourages you and me to push back the words of the accuser and step out into the middle of the dance floor with your Savior!
Clip 7
Posted by
8:59 AM
When Wallflowers Dance...Part 3
Do you feel like just staying in bed spiritually? Today may be the day to stand up in righteous confidence. Please listen to these clips as Angela talks about what God did in her life to allow her to heal and gain righteous confidence.
Clip 4
Clip 5
Clip 6
Posted by
8:33 AM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
When Wallflowers Dance...continued
If you have not listened to the first two clips from yesterday, please go back and listen to those as this is an ongoing conversation.
I hope you are as blessed and encouraged as I am while listening to Angela and these other ladies discuss the topic of stepping out of the "wallflower" attitude and into the center of Christ's loving arms.
Clip 3
Posted by
7:15 AM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
When Wallflowers Dance
I got an e-mail newsletter from Angela Thomas' Ministry. I had seen her at a Ladies Conference about 1 year ago. She has partnered with GodTube and has several videos out there on her GodTube site. I have spent this afternoon listening to these videos. I have so many girlfriends that are going through such hurt and hard times, that I feel even if they are the only people who read this blog that her message needs to be passed on. These videos have spoken to me and I'll most likely be getting this book entitled "When Wallflowers Dance".
Here is a synopsis of the book:
When Wallflowers Dance
When we were two, we were no longer babies-we were becoming little girls. And when we were thirteen, we were leaving childhood behind, becoming young women. But, somewhere along the way, we stopped becoming. We became "un-women." Wallflowers who are just breathing and smiling and blending in to stay out of the way.
That is not what God had in mind when He created us. He wants us to keep becoming. He wants us to become strong, decisive, wise, creative, passionate, courageous -- all the things we've dreamed of becoming. "When Wallflowers Dance" is a fresh challenge to women who have lived hesitant, cautious lives, but long to break free and dance!
Using both Scripture and story, Angela Thomas addresses the attributes of "becoming" and the freedom we have in Christ to keep developing the characteristics that reflect our God-given longings.
Here is a video of Angela Thomas speaking about this book. I'll be adding a new video or two each day (there are several short videos).
Clip 1
Clip 2
Posted by
2:42 PM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
We have had a great Thanksgiving break. I took off work on Wednesday and made a Chocolate Sheet Cake and dressing for our Thanksgiving dinner with John's family that night. This worked out perfectly since we normally have to eat a little at each family gathering because they are usually on the same day. This year we had Thanksgiving dinner on Wednesday with John's brother's family, John's dad and his wife, sister-in-law's parents and her borther's wife and kids. It was great food and fellowship. Of course Zak (our 14 year old nephew) challenged his Uncle John to an Xbox Football game which turned into two games with Zak winning both times. Uncle John blamed the controller (John is a Playstation guy...this was an Xbox)! Whatever! I don't know anything about that, but I do know that John and Zak had a great time!
Thursday, my sister came over as we were swapping what we normally cook for Momma's Thanksgiving dinner. We ended up cooking both dishes here at our apartment (green bean casserole and hashbrown casserole). We ate lots of wonderful food at Momma's and had fun visiting with each other.
Friday, John and I woke up early and rented a rug doctor to help get up some stains on our carpet. Then we re-arranged the furniture and put up the Christmas decorations. I'll make a post of just the pictures of the decorations for BooMama's Christmas Bloggy Tour of Homes (see sidebar for more information). Of course we watched the GREATEST GAME OF THE RAZORBACK SEASON...We beat LSU (#1 team in the nation) by 2 points in 3 Overtimes! Oh....it was exciting here at the house. Then we went with Momma and Daddy to watch Little Rock Christian vs. Vilonia in their semi-final game. LRC won and will be playing in the Championship this Saturday. It was a packed game and we were sitting in the student section...they were not sitting. We only saw part of the game when they were to the right of the 50-yard line! IT WAS FREEZING!!! We were bundled up and thank goodness they had hot chocolate!
Today (Saturday) we slept in and have spent the day enjoying College football. It smells like snow outside and "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."
Posted by
4:17 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
He Will Come
If what you thought was the truth is a lie
And what you fought to keep on breathing has died
You face the lonely nights and wrestle with the dark
And you reach to find the love to fill the space inside your heart
It's hard to put it into words the way you feel
It's an ache and emptiness that lingers still
Are you a victim of the past without a trace of hope in sight?
And it all goes by so fast without a way to make it right
If you worry, don't worry
God will come and wrap His arms around you
It wouldn't be too much
For Him to love you as He found you
And it may seem like you're too far gone
But He loves you like His only Son
And He will come
He will come
From the bounty of a river there's a flow
And from the beauty of the Father's heart's a home
That never leaves you empty no, and never leaves you bare
So come and bring your guilt and shame
Come and leave it there
If you're willing, He is willing
Oh, you don't have to be worthy
You don't have to be anything but willing to fall into His arms
Willing to fall into His arms
Posted by
12:34 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
We are all Sealed....
...the Gillaspie family that is. Last night after I had eaten dinner with my parents, sister and neice and had gotten back home, I got a phone call from my sister. She said that Camryn had to tell me something...that sweet little voice got on the phone and said "I asked Jesus in my heart"! Oh...how exciting! I talked with her a little about it and the funniest comment was "Momma let me copy her" (meaning during her prayer she copied her Momma). She is excited to talk to Bro. Jeff at their church and then schedule her baptism.
Posted by
7:20 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
God Speaking
I have some time to reflect and focus on myself for the month of October. Like I mentioned before, I have the Mandisa "True Beauty" CD. It is WONDERFUL!
Another set of lyrics I want to share are from the song "God Speaking". Sometimes we don't understand everything that is going on around us, but do we stop to think that God may be involved and He may be trying to speak to us through all the stuff going on in our lives...good or bad? I hope that through these lyrics you will hear "God Speaking".
Have you ever heard a love song
That set your spirit free
Have you ever watched a sunrise
And felt you could not breathe
What if it's Him
What if it's God speaking
Have you ever cried a tear that
You could not explain
Have you ever met a stranger
That already knew your name
What if it's Him
What if it's God speaking
Who knows how He'll get a hold of us
Get our attention to prove He is enough
He'll do and He'll use
Whatever He wants to
To tell us I love you
Have you ever lost a loved one
Who you thought should still be here
Do you know what it feels like
To be tangled up in fear
What if He's somehow involved
What if He's speaking through it all
His ways are higher
His ways are better
Though sometimes strange
What could be stranger
Than God in a manger
God is speaking
I love you
Posted by
7:02 AM
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
One Day at a Time
"One Day at a Time"...not something I am good at, but I have learned that is the only way I can really live. You see, my nature is to plan things out so that I know where I am going and what I am doing. The problem I have found with this thinking is that life happens. When life happens, it messes up my schedule and plan. Notice, I said "my". We are only given today. We can't worry about the past, because it has passed and there is nothing you can do to change it. We can't worry about tomorrow because we don't know if we are even guarenteed tomorrow. We have to live in the moment trusting in the ONLY one who can get us through-my Savior, Jesus Christ!
I was given a Mandisa "True Beauty" CD. Track #4 - "Voice of a Savior" has spoken to me and I want to share the words of this song with you. I believe everyone of us has been at the point to where all we want is a little peace...
Some people try to listen to the bottom of a bottle
Some people try to listen to a needle in their arm
Some people try to listen to the money in their pocket
Some people try to listen to another's arms
You and I are not that different
We got a void and we're just trying to fill it up
With something that will give just a little peace
All we want is a hand to reach to
Open arms that say I love you
We'd give anything to hear
The voice of a Savior
Some people try to find it with blind ambition
Some people try to find it where no one else has gone
Some people try to find it in the crowns of victory
Some people get defeated and lose the strength to carry on
You and I are not that different
We got a void and we're just trying to fill it up
With something that will give just a little peace
All we want is a hand to reach to
Open arms that say I love you
We'd give anything to hear
The voice of a Savior
Some people try to find it in the shadow of a steeple
Some people try to find it in the back row pew
Some people try to find it in the arms of Jesus
That's where I found it, how about you?
Be Blessed with the peace that only HE can give...
Posted by
2:08 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
Orlando Business Trip
I was in Orlando, Florida on a business trip September 23-27. It is a great conference to go to because it is always in a nice place and they always have lots of fun things to do in the evening.
Sunday - 23rd
I left on Sunday with another girl from my company (Tina). We met the other two ladies (my former supervisor, Linda, and former co-worker, Nancy) in Orlando. That day it was raining, but we forged ahead and went to Downtown Disney and ate at the Rainforest Cafe. I now have a Disney Parks Poncho because of this trip. We shopped some until one of the ladies "needed some extra special attention" (her words the next day...not mine) by almost passing out. Until she cooled off, we shopped while she sat still while eating ice cubes.
Monday - 24th
We got up early and ate breakfast at one of the restaurants in our hotel ($18 for the buffet). Then we did some shopping at an Outlet Mall. The conference started around lunch. That evening after the classes, McKesson took us all to Universal City Walk. They closed down the upstairs section just for us. We had all kinds of foods, drinks and entertainment. Tina and I enjoyed the "dueling pianos" at Pat O'Brien's.
Tuesday - 25th
Classes all day long. However, there was a time period of about 2 hours where there were no classes that were of interest and I headed to the pool with Nancy and Tina. Then went back in for one more class. This night our account rep took a group of us to an Italian restaurant for dinner. The wait staff entertained by singing. They were EXTREMELY good singers. They sang in italian and sang a few songs from different musicals.
Wednesday - 26th
Classes in the morning and then "networking activity time". This year one of our choices was Sea World for the afternoon. Since we had a rental car, we left right after our classes and headed to Sea World. After eating lunch there, we headed to the Shamu show, but they had closed it because it was full. We didn't get to see Shamu, but we did ride the "Shamu Express" in the kiddie rides section. It was about 30 seconds of fun! Wednesday evening was the big banquet and this was the 20th year for the conference. Everything was very classy looking. They had a jazz band, acrobatic guys who did amazing things (think cirque de solei) right in front of our table. After you eat they always offer several things you can do to entertain yourself. This year you could try to pick a real diamond out of all the CZ's on the table. A jeweler would tell you if you picked it or not. You could have your picture made with your friends and they would superimpose you in front of different scenes. Tina and I decided the romatic sunset or fireworks background was not for us...so we chose a background of the hotel. Well when it printed off...we look like GIANTS...I mean my head is in the sky. I'll have to scan that one in for your viewing pleasure. We had lots of fun with the Dancing Heads video...we have 3 DVD's of ourselves groovin' to the music. And last but not least they had "Butt Sketch Artists". You heard me right. I said if God wanted me to see that side of me...my head would be attached the other direction. This was not something I participated in, but the line was long for this activity. I guess after a few drinks you will do just about anything!
Breakfast and one class - then we made our way to the airport by way of Downtown Disney one more time. It was hot and humid! And the LoveBugs were mating. Literally...you could hardly talk for fear you would get a set of love bugs in your mouth.

Tina and I parted ways with Nancy and Linda at the airport. Everyone made it back safely and we had a good time.
Posted by
10:29 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
Newest Nephew turned ONE!
Posted by
4:18 PM
Friday, August 17, 2007
New York City is WILD!
I HIGHLY recommend clicking over to Billie's blog to get her version of the trip and more pictures (of course she has a much better writing style than I do): http://myoverstreetfamily.blogspot.com/
Here is my run-down:
Sunday -
1) Get up around 3:30 a.m. and get to the airport by 4:45 a.m. for check-in
2) Board the plane to Atlanta-Belle enjoyed the plane take off, but not the descent or landing. Her ears were popping and they hurt...bad enough for her to cry! We assured her it would not hurt as bad on the next flight (of course she didn't believe us when we started our descent into NYC...however, she could see NYC so it made it better). I thought "good, Belle is occupied but then I had to deal with Billie having a freak-out session when it literally looked like we were going to land in the water at LaGuardia Airport. Several of her fears were realized. Belle got in on the action and said "Momma, it looks like we are going to land in the water"! She was not helping her mother in this situation, but at least we were all laughing when we landed!
3) We got our rental car and made it to the hotel unscathed!
4) Belle and I headed out to the pool...it was about 85 degrees outside a great day for swimming. At least that is what I thought, until I got in the water! WHEW! It was chilly. I had to brave the cold water because Belle just jumped in and wanted me to swim.
5) Around 6:30 p.m. we went in, ate supper, took showers and were all in bed by 8:00 p.m. We were some tired puppies!
We started the day fairly early because Billie had to check-in for work and get her badge. After that we headed to the train station for our first trek to NYC. We made it to Penn Station (which is under Madison Square Gardens) and had to hike 16 blocks to our bus tour. We got to ride on the top of the double decker bus. We took the express route to the Staton Island Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. Something happened on the ferry, and Belle became really grumpy. I had a "Nana-to-Belle" talk and found out she was tired and worn out and didn't realize New York was mostly outside. She ended up giving me and her mother each a "collection of smiles". We had to use the collection a couple of more times on this trip due to lack of a nap and lots of going that 4-year-old is not used to. After the ferry we jumped back on the bus and saw the 2nd half of the Downtown Loop (Chinatown, UN, Carniage Hall, Central Park, etc). We ended up in Times Square where we ate at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Belle was excited about that and Times Square. After we ate we walked back the 16 blocks to Penn Station and caught a train to Seacoucus where we got on another train to NJ and our hotel. We had dinner there and other cool dip in the pool! Billie left us around 8:30 p.m. to work the over-night shift. Belle and I did a load of laundry and went to sleep.

After Billie got back from working and changed clothes we were off again to NYC. This time we took the bus tour from Madison Square Gardens through the part of the tour that we missed on the Express route the day before (Empire State Building, Little Italy, Chinatown, SoHo, Tribecca). We got off at Chintatown/Little Italy and had lunch at Casa Bella Italian Ristorante. Belle was asking us why everyone used her name for stuff. We had no real answer to this other than it is a pretty name, just like her! After that and the crazy walk through Chinatown, we got back on our bus and rode the rest of the way to Times Square. Since we had seen most of this the day before, Belle decided it was time for a nap. Billie needed one too as she had been awake for 34 hours at that point. When we got back to Times Square we made our way back to Penn Station, Seacoucus, and back to NJ. It was too late for a swim, and Billie had to get back to work in a few hours. Once again Belle and I slept in the nice big King-sized bed as Billie went back to work around 8:30 p.m.

Billie did not get away from work as she planned so by the time she got to the hotel to get ready to go see "The Lion King" she had about 20 minutes to get ready. Belle and I were all but dressed. We left our hotel room at 11:00 to get to the train station and catch the bus at 11:14 a.m. Good thing we were about 5 minutes tops from the train station. Belle and I jumped out of the car and started toward the ticket machine as Billie parked and RAN to catch up with us. We made it just in time to get our tickets and get on the bus. By this time Billie was going on about 55 hours without sleep! Bless her heart...the things you do for your friend and child! She tried to sleep a little on the train but Belle kept waking her up. We made it to Penn Station and then caught the Subway to where we needed to be for our Broadway show. We didn't want to walk in our heels so far! The show was AWESOME! I am not sure I could describe it in words. If you ever get to see it...GO! Pay the $115 per ticket! It is WELL WORTH IT! However, if you do go to the Minskoff Theatre in NYC...take a sweater. I was cold and Billie was a popsicle! We made our way to a souvenir shop and then back to the subway to get to Penn Station. We got on our train which was held up by congestion...which caused us to miss a train from Seacoucus to Ramsey Route17 so we spent 40 minutes waiting on the next train...which got us to our hotel about 7:25. That was too late for supper there so we went to get gas in the car and eat at a diner close to the hotel. We got home, got showers, got packed and hit the sack.

We woke up at 4:25 a.m. to get in the car by 5:00 so we could get to National Rental Car by 6:00. The signs in Jersey were not properly labeled so we missed the I-80 merge because we were looking for I-95 (I-80 becomes I-95...but how were we to know). There are people that will tell you where to go. Billie got out and a nice gentleman on his way to work told us how to get back to where we were headed. We did and made it to National Rental Car at 6:05 a.m! Success! We had a nice breakfast in the airport and then we had to part ways. I was headed back to Little Rock and Billie and Belle had to head to Detroit. David's grandmother (Belle's great-grandmother) passed away on Sunday the 12th and the funeral was in Detroit area. David, his parents and Luke drove up to Michigan on Wendesday and picked up Billie and Belle on Thursday. I made to to my gate in Atlanta and look back and saw my dad. He was going home from Baltimore and had the same flight as I did from ATL to LR! It was nice to see someone you love! Anyway, we stopped off at Jason's Deli for lunch and then he took me home!
I am so glad to be home in the quiet, slow-paced life of the SOUTH! New York is a great place to visit and I'll probably go back again, but for now, I just want some sweet tea and my nice quiet apartment!
Check out my pictures at the following link:
Once Billie gets her pictures loaded in her new Kodak Gallery site, I'll add a link to her pictures as well.
Posted by
9:24 AM
Monday, August 6, 2007
The Word is OUT!
Yesterday after lunch, Isabella got "the suprise"! See Billie's blog for video and photos:http://myoverstreetfamily.blogspot.com/
We are leaving on Sunday, August 12th at 6:00 a.m. headed for New York. After we get back I will update my blog with all the fun stuff we did and photos!
Posted by
7:45 AM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Our 9-year Anniversary
1) Love is Not a Feeling, it grows through happy times and through difficult times.
2) We may not be at the place in our lives that we thought we would be after 9 years of marriage. If we were on my time-table, we would have at least one child possibly two...but the Lord knows what we need and when we need it! HIS ways are higher than my ways!
3) Friends are a blessing from the Lord! During 8 years of our marriage we have had one set of friends that have stuck with us (and we with them) through EVERYTHING. We love them dearly and wouldn't trade anything in the world for the friendship we have with them.
Here we are with our neices and nephews (at that time):
Happy Anniversary Honey!
Posted by
9:36 AM
Monday, July 9, 2007
My Birthday
Well this weekend I celebrated another birthday. I turned 28 on Saturday the 7th. My plan was not to do anything, but those plans got changed. I got several calls from friends and family wishing me a "Happy Birthday". Then I got a call from my sister, who was heading to Branson for vacation and Camryn's Nataional Dance competition, saying that my parent's were in a bad car accident. They too were headed to Branson but were about 40 minutes ahead of Andrea and Camryn. They were in the Bee Branch area about 15 miles south of Clinton, Arkansas, when a big SUV turned right in front of them and they hit that SUV going about 55 miles per hour. Daddy had a mild concusion with a completely sore body and Momma had sore ribs (bruising the next day) from her seatbelt and the airbag. She also had a spot on her shin that was swollen. Praise the Lord they were not hurt more than they were. Their car is made to crumple up and not jam the engine into the cab of the car. You can see pictures of their car at: http://new.photos.yahoo.com/alicia652/albums
I drove up to get Momma and Daddy and all their stuff from there car and took them back home. They rested and drove on up to Branson on Sunday. They took their time, taking breaks to stretch and walk around so they would not get too stiff. They got up there around 3:00 p.m. yesterday. Pray that they will have a good time and that their bodies will heal quickly from all the soreness.
Well on Wednesday at lunch I am headed to Dallas, TX for the Premier Jewelry National Rally. I am pretty excited about it, but I have lots to do before then to get ready!
I'll post pictures from Rally after I get back!
Posted by
8:09 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
It amazes me to think that in just about a month John and I will have been married for 9 years. I'm pretty sure that where we are now in life is not where that young 22-year old guy and 19-year old girl thought they would be 9 years down the road. We have gone through many things and had to rely solely on the Lord to get us through most of it.
If you don't know, John's major in college was Physical Education. If you know him that is not surprising. He LOVES sports and working out at the gym. For a while now he has wanted to find a job at a gym so that he can get his foot in the door. He also has a correspondance course to get certified as a personal trainer. That is what he wants to do when he grows up. The Lord has provided an opportunity. Starting Monday, June 18th, he will be employed at JP Fitness here in downtown Little Rock. He is really excited about it and I am to. JP Fitness is not one of those gyms that is focused on looking at yourself in the mirror while lifting as much weight as you can to impress all your testosterone friends while grunting. JeanPaul (the owner...hence the name JP) was on the Governor's Fitness Council when Mike Huckabee was governor (not sure about now). Anyway, this gym is focused on health.
So changes...
1) No more Dillard's discount - Darn!
2) I guess I'll need to really start working out, because I'm not sure that it looks really good if your husband works at a gym and I don't at least try to be at a healthy weight! ;-)
3) We will be able to ride to work together - haven't done this in a LONG time
God's timing is always interesting to me...especially since it doesn't always match up to my timing....But I do know that over the years I have learned that HIS timing is ALWAYS perfect.
So for now, I'll just keeping Believing GOD!
Posted by
7:34 AM
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Been too long!
I know you all think I have probably dropped off the planet. No, I just haven't sat down long enough to blog. Since I last blogged, me, Camryn, Andrea, Belle and Billie went to the SEC Women's Gymnastics Championship at Alltel Arena. The girls had a blast...the Hogs did not as they did not place in any event. Oh well...we enjoyed ourselves anyway...Here are a few pics: Calling those HOGS.....WOOOOOO PIG SOOOOOIE!!!! RAZORBACKS!
John and I went over to Hot Springs for 3 days at the beginning of April. We did the bathhouse/massage thing, ate steaks at Doe's (which for those of you who do not know...it THE place to eat steaks if ever in Hot Springs), enjoyed a day at Oaklawn (which we decided we are going to have to remember to do next race season), had a dinner and dancing cruise on the Belle of Hot Springs, and went by the Garven Gardens (we have to go back as this place is huge...forget taking pictures at Wye Mountain....this place has every kind of flower!!). Here are a few pictures from Hot Springs:
On April 21st, I took Cinderella (a.k.a. Camryn) and Princess Belle (a.k.a. Isabella) to the Disney Princesses on Ice. The girls dressed up in their Princess gowns, crowns, shoes and carried their "spectors" (septors). Earlier that morning Camryn had a dance competition so she already had her competition make-up on so I put some on Belle and off we went. I decided it would be easier to park in NLR and ride the bus that runs for events at Alltel arena and drops you off at the front door. The girls both got sno-cones in Disney Ariel mugs and a "Princess Belle" necklace. I had a great time with them and they did too! Here is one picture....but the others you can look at on the link to the right that says "Our Photos".
This summer is shaping up to be busy as well. In July, I am going to Dallas for Premier Jewelry's National Rally! Then in August and I going with my best friend, Billie, and her daughter (Isabella from above) to NEW YORK CITY!!! Billie is going on business so it is only costing me the airplane ticket, lunches (breakfast and dinner included in the hotel) and shopping money!!!
I'll type again soon!
Posted by
7:59 PM
Friday, March 23, 2007
WOW!!! A month since my last blog
Sorry guys! Not much has been going on with us so I have not blogged in a month. We are just staying busy working - Dillards, Blue Cross and Premier!
I am loving the warmer weather, the longer hours of daylight, everything is looking green again! Spring is one of my favorite times of the year! However, it is not one of John's favorite times due to his allergies. He went back to the doctor yesterday because he has a sinus infection. So bad seasonal allergies on top of a sinus infection...caused me to sleep on the couch two nights this week because even laying on his side would not stop the SNORING!!!
Speaking of allergies, Gus is apparently allergic to something outside. Because on Tuesday of this week, I came home and Gus had been out to go potty and after he came back in I noticed that he was getting these red bumps on his belly (kinda looked like hives) and bumps all over his legs and sides that caused the hair to stand out. So, I made a trip to my Wal-Mart Pharmacy to pick up John's allergy meds and get Children's Benedryl for Gus....I'm surrounded by allergy sufferers! I gave him a tablet and he seemed to be a little better. Then after I took him out that night, he reacted again....so another Benedryl tablet. The next morning he looked good to me but John said he had bumps on him when John left for work...of course, he didn't think it looked that bad so he did not medicate Gus. I came home from work, took Gus out and 2 minutes after we got back in he was covered and way worse than the day before. Well I had done my research on dog weights and Benedryl doses...so I gave him the correct dosage of 2 children's tablets and called the vet. We went in for an allergy shot which cost $15.23, and she did not charge me an office visit...not sure how much that would have added to the cost! The shot worked and should last for 4 weeks. I am praying whatever he is allergic to is gone in 4 weeks. If not and I have to continue the allergy shots, I am going to need to add him to my health insurance so that I can get these costs reimbursed! Also, I would love to claim him as a child on my taxes!
Sorry to be so long-winded, but that is what has happened for us this week. I hope that all of our friends and family are enjoying warm spring weather and are not suffering too bad with allergies!
Posted by
12:42 PM
Friday, February 23, 2007
Not much going on
Just thought I would put a little update out here on our blog. We haven't had much going on this week. John is adjusting to selling furniture at Dillards. He is always giving me a lesson on quality vs comfort vs stability...and, of course, he has his eye on new furniture. Oh well...we have to save for that!
Work is going well for me. The further along I get in this job, the more work they seem to give me. It is interesting and exciting to keep learning more and more about our company and all the new things we are going to be involved in this year.
Premier is going well. Kinda slowed down a little but I have a couple of shows booked in March and several people that want to have a show later in the spring. So, if any of you that live out of town and would like to get some free and 1/2 price jewelry, consider having a catalog show. I can send you catalogs, you gather orders then you get free jewelry. I also do not mind traveling to come do a home show at your house. Plus for those of you who I haven't seen in a while, it would be fun to catch up.
I am going with my sister-in-law, Janna, to the Beth Moore Simulcast tomorrow. I believe Beth is speaking on "Get Out of that Pit". So I'm praying the Lord will be working on me and all the ladies across the country that will be attending. HE is a BIG God and still works wonders!
Until I type again...
Posted by
3:17 PM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Well we are back
Sorry I have not posted sooner. We did get back from Dallas. I drove back on Thursday. John's plane was an hour late, but that is normal when flying out of DFW. We had a good time. I must say that I LOVE the Little Rock Airport as finding exactly where to pick John up at DFW just about caused me to "lose my religion". I would not choose to live in Dallas or it's surrounding areas. I would watch the morning news and listening to the traffic reports----YIKES! That part was not fun at all. We did ride the train to the AA center for the Dallas Mavericks NBA game on Wednesday. So that was fun. The game was ok....we were up really high and I did not get up until time to leave as I felt like I might just fall over the edge.
On Saturday, John started to not feel well...sore throat, achy, congestion, coughing your head off...you know the symptoms that everyone has right now. He stayed home on Saturday from work to try to sleep it off. That didn't work. Sunday he was off and did not get out of bed until about 1 p.m. Monday was worse so he was "worked in" at the doctor's office. He has the beginnings of the flu or as the doctor put it "flu-like" symptoms. He prescribed a Z-pac and cough syrup and gave him a note to be off through Thursday. Rest and the meds should help. If not, come back and see the doctor again. So...he and Gus have been resting and trying to get better. He did feel ok enough to go out to eat tonight instead of fighting the crowds tomorrow for Valentine's Day. He is just taking it one day at a time and watching a lot of movies!
I am praying that I don't get this mess.
Update on "2007-the year of the teeth": I got my permanent crown put in on Monday as well as two cavities filled. I am going to get a cleaning on Tuesday the 20th and find out what other cavities need to be filled. The dentist said that I had some bad wisdom teeth that NEEDED to come out. I asked it is could wait until 2008 when my dental benefits are back in effect and he said he normally does not push people to have them out but he is afraid they will mess up the teeth in front of them. So I'm thinking that my income tax return may be going to pay for taking my wisdom teeth out. The saga continues....and the moral of the story is....GO TO THE DENTIST...DON'T NEGLECT YOUR DENTAL HEALTH!
Posted by
8:49 PM
Friday, February 2, 2007
Goin' to the Big D
...and I do mean Dallas! John found out that he will be going to furniture school classes Tuesday-Thursday of next week (Feb 6-8). Because we haven't done anything just the two of us in a while, I am going with him! That is pretty much all the excitement we have right now.
It did snow and sleet some the past two days. This morning was quite slick coming into work...what normally takes 15 minutes, took me 40 minutes. Of course our work did not put the inclement weather policy in effect today and it is much worse on the roads this morning compared to yesterday. Oh well...I made it in safely.
Keep Andrea (my sister) in your prayers as she is have a minor outpatient surgery on Monday at 11 a.m. She has not had surgery before and is a little apprehensive. Pray for calm nerves for her and a steady hand for her doctor.
Have a great weekend!
Posted by
7:21 AM
Friday, January 26, 2007
Exciting news! Two days ago, John was approached by his manager and the store manager at Dillard's about taking a position in furniture. This would be a promotion. More money per hour and commission. They said they were impressed with his selling and offered him the job. Of course, he accepted the position. He said it would be a few weeks before he started and he will have to go to Dallas for some training. I'm not sure what kind of training...maybe on furniture and the types of furniture they sell.
It is always amazing to me what God has in mind for us. We would have never dreamed that sales would be where John excelled or that I would be working in the area I am working in the time that I have been with Blue Cross.
Premier business is going well. I've had two shows so far with several more on the horizon.
Just thought I would catch you all up on what is going on with us!
Posted by
12:27 PM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Starting out with Premier
Well this week will mark my first Premier Jewelry show that I will be doing on my own. I will be doing a show for my sister on Thursday, a show for a girl at work on Saturday, and a show for my Mom's teachers on Monday. I am really excited about it! I am trying to get everything as organized as possible so things will run smoothly.
Since my last post we have slowed down quite a bit...thankfully! Of course the 3 days of rain helped to slow us down, and now it is COLD!
Yesterday, I started back going to the gym. Our work finally last year added a gym to our benefits. Only employees can workout there and it is FREE. My current gym membership expires and I did not want to pay since I have a gym for free at my disposal. They have some very nice equipment and it wasn't so bad to workout again. I forget how much better it really does make me feel after working out.
Posted by
7:27 AM
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Whirlwind of a New Year

John has been working a lot and because this past Saturday evening and Sunday evening were inventory time at Dillard's he worked all night long checking inventory. He was pretty exhausted yesterday, because his body's clock was messed up from working at night and sleeping in the day.
Posted by
6:37 AM