Listen as Angela encourages you and me to push back the words of the accuser and step out into the middle of the dance floor with your Savior!
Clip 7
Friday, November 30, 2007
When Wallflowers Dance...Last Clips
Posted by
8:59 AM
When Wallflowers Dance...Part 3
Do you feel like just staying in bed spiritually? Today may be the day to stand up in righteous confidence. Please listen to these clips as Angela talks about what God did in her life to allow her to heal and gain righteous confidence.
Clip 4
Clip 5
Clip 6
Posted by
8:33 AM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
When Wallflowers Dance...continued
If you have not listened to the first two clips from yesterday, please go back and listen to those as this is an ongoing conversation.
I hope you are as blessed and encouraged as I am while listening to Angela and these other ladies discuss the topic of stepping out of the "wallflower" attitude and into the center of Christ's loving arms.
Clip 3
Posted by
7:15 AM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
When Wallflowers Dance
I got an e-mail newsletter from Angela Thomas' Ministry. I had seen her at a Ladies Conference about 1 year ago. She has partnered with GodTube and has several videos out there on her GodTube site. I have spent this afternoon listening to these videos. I have so many girlfriends that are going through such hurt and hard times, that I feel even if they are the only people who read this blog that her message needs to be passed on. These videos have spoken to me and I'll most likely be getting this book entitled "When Wallflowers Dance".
Here is a synopsis of the book:
When Wallflowers Dance
When we were two, we were no longer babies-we were becoming little girls. And when we were thirteen, we were leaving childhood behind, becoming young women. But, somewhere along the way, we stopped becoming. We became "un-women." Wallflowers who are just breathing and smiling and blending in to stay out of the way.
That is not what God had in mind when He created us. He wants us to keep becoming. He wants us to become strong, decisive, wise, creative, passionate, courageous -- all the things we've dreamed of becoming. "When Wallflowers Dance" is a fresh challenge to women who have lived hesitant, cautious lives, but long to break free and dance!
Using both Scripture and story, Angela Thomas addresses the attributes of "becoming" and the freedom we have in Christ to keep developing the characteristics that reflect our God-given longings.
Here is a video of Angela Thomas speaking about this book. I'll be adding a new video or two each day (there are several short videos).
Clip 1
Clip 2
Posted by
2:42 PM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
We have had a great Thanksgiving break. I took off work on Wednesday and made a Chocolate Sheet Cake and dressing for our Thanksgiving dinner with John's family that night. This worked out perfectly since we normally have to eat a little at each family gathering because they are usually on the same day. This year we had Thanksgiving dinner on Wednesday with John's brother's family, John's dad and his wife, sister-in-law's parents and her borther's wife and kids. It was great food and fellowship. Of course Zak (our 14 year old nephew) challenged his Uncle John to an Xbox Football game which turned into two games with Zak winning both times. Uncle John blamed the controller (John is a Playstation guy...this was an Xbox)! Whatever! I don't know anything about that, but I do know that John and Zak had a great time!
Thursday, my sister came over as we were swapping what we normally cook for Momma's Thanksgiving dinner. We ended up cooking both dishes here at our apartment (green bean casserole and hashbrown casserole). We ate lots of wonderful food at Momma's and had fun visiting with each other.
Friday, John and I woke up early and rented a rug doctor to help get up some stains on our carpet. Then we re-arranged the furniture and put up the Christmas decorations. I'll make a post of just the pictures of the decorations for BooMama's Christmas Bloggy Tour of Homes (see sidebar for more information). Of course we watched the GREATEST GAME OF THE RAZORBACK SEASON...We beat LSU (#1 team in the nation) by 2 points in 3 Overtimes! was exciting here at the house. Then we went with Momma and Daddy to watch Little Rock Christian vs. Vilonia in their semi-final game. LRC won and will be playing in the Championship this Saturday. It was a packed game and we were sitting in the student section...they were not sitting. We only saw part of the game when they were to the right of the 50-yard line! IT WAS FREEZING!!! We were bundled up and thank goodness they had hot chocolate!
Today (Saturday) we slept in and have spent the day enjoying College football. It smells like snow outside and "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..."
Posted by
4:17 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
He Will Come
If what you thought was the truth is a lie
And what you fought to keep on breathing has died
You face the lonely nights and wrestle with the dark
And you reach to find the love to fill the space inside your heart
It's hard to put it into words the way you feel
It's an ache and emptiness that lingers still
Are you a victim of the past without a trace of hope in sight?
And it all goes by so fast without a way to make it right
If you worry, don't worry
God will come and wrap His arms around you
It wouldn't be too much
For Him to love you as He found you
And it may seem like you're too far gone
But He loves you like His only Son
And He will come
He will come
From the bounty of a river there's a flow
And from the beauty of the Father's heart's a home
That never leaves you empty no, and never leaves you bare
So come and bring your guilt and shame
Come and leave it there
If you're willing, He is willing
Oh, you don't have to be worthy
You don't have to be anything but willing to fall into His arms
Willing to fall into His arms
Posted by
12:34 PM