January - I think it had to be about 1996

July 25, 1998

May 2006
July 25, 1998
May 2006
Posted by
10:32 AM
Happy 2nd Anniversary Bobby and Melba!
Posted by
2:19 PM
Today is my Daddy's birthday! He is spending his birthday in Branson with Momma, Andrea and Camryn for Cam's national dance competition. There is a slight possibility that he would rather be doing something else for his birthday (something more "manly" in the world's eyes) but I know my Daddy and he wouldn't be anywhere else. That is just the kind of Daddy/Papaw he is. He is the daddy of two girls and the Papaw to a granddaughter. All our lives we always had girl dogs so he has always been outnumbered! However, I've never heard him complain about this ever in my life. He is a protector. He loves us girls with all his heart and has always done what is best for all of us. One example is that he worked in Sheridan, AR for many years. The first 5 years we lived in Sheridan about 5 minutes from where he worked. When we made the decision to go to Abundant Life in Sherwood, we moved to the South side of Little Rock. That meant that he had to drive about 30 minutes to work every day. After Andrea and I became involved in sports at school and Momma was teaching there, he decided it would be best to move somewhere close to the school. So we moved to Gravel Ridge and that put him driving at least an hour to work each day. That is just one example that shows the kinds of sacrifices he makes for the good of his family.
One other thing, I'll never forget is on my wedding day. The look on his face when he saw me all dressed and ready for pictures. His mouth dropped and he said "Oh...WOW! You look beautiful!". That still melts my heart today!
So, Daddy, I hope you have a great day in Branson. I hate that I can't be there with you but you know I love you dearly!
Posted by
6:22 AM
Ok...that is about all I can handle of myself. I thank you all for the complements on my weight loss. I'll wait until I finish spending my birthday to post more pictures of me.
Posted by
11:15 PM
Posted by
4:36 PM
Well Monday was my 29th birthday! My last year of my 20's. My family gave me money...most of them knew all my pants were starting to fall off of me. I have a weight loss goal for my 30th birthday. So far in the past 9 weeks I have lost 18 pounds. Since the beginning of 2007, I have lost 29 pounds. So thanks to my sister and the Cato giftcard she gave me I was able to purchase a pair of chocolate brown capris and a denim short-sleeved jacket (which I have been looking for the right one for about 1 year). Here is a shot of me today in this outfit:
As I wear my other new clothes this week...I'll post pictures and a big THANK YOU to each person!
Thanks An! I love my new clothes!
Posted by
4:32 PM