Because we have had our Christmas decorations up for 2 weeks (be watching for the pictures) we have really gotten to relax and enjoy this Thanksgiving holiday!
Because we have had our Christmas decorations up for 2 weeks (be watching for the pictures) we have really gotten to relax and enjoy this Thanksgiving holiday!
Posted by
2:35 PM
After running tests on Monday, the doctors believe that all the problems Mimmie is having are confined to the heart and that surgery is the best way to fix it. So they have talked with the surgeon and they are doing the surgery on Monday, December 8th. Mimmie will be going home today and taking it easy until the surgery. Pray for strength during this time. Also, be covering the surgeon, doctors and nurses in prayer as well.
Posted by
7:25 AM
This picture is of Gus and Sissy playing tug of war with one of Sissy's toys. And that precious little foot is Belle's. She was probably laughing at the dogs or getting on to them for fighting!
This is an easy one to do and fun to see what picture ends up as your sixth picture in your sixth folder.
I tag:
Posted by
6:17 AM
My mom will return to El Dorado this morning to be there for the CT scan of Mimmie's chest/heart area. If that test does not reveal enough information for Dr. Bhott, he will also do an echogram. After he gets the results from the tests he will conference with the surgeon as to what would be the best plan of action for Mimmie. He said he is still leaning toward surgery but wanted to get these other test done and allow for the medication to work before making a definite decision. Mimmie is doing well. She is in good spirits and at peace with whatever they decide. She got to take a shower yesterday and wash her hair so she feels like a new woman! She is sleeping well at night but not in the bed...she sleeps in the recliner. When she lays flat down on the bed it causes her to not be able to breathe.
We are certainly thankful for all your prayers and notes. Having all that prayer support is making this much easier. Dr. Bhott is a strong believer and appreciates your prayers for him as well. He is seeking the Lord's guidance as to what would be the best treatment for Mimmie. God was truly good to give us a doctor who is a strong Christian.
Posted by
6:13 AM
Labels: Grandmothers
The doctor has decided not to jump to having a major surgery. Mimmie will be treated with medication for now and see how she does and use surgery as a last resort.
This is the e-mail I received from Momma on Wednesday night:
Thank you so much for your encouraging calls and notes. You don't know how much it means to all of us to know you are holding us up in prayer. We have found out that they do have Mother down for surgery on Friday, but they have not given us a definite time. We will find that out tomorrow. Mother is very much at peace about having it done. She said she was a little anxious but that is normal when you are going in for such a major surgery. However, she is ready to have it and get on to the recovery process. I hope to find out early tomorrow what time they will take her in so those of you that have expressed a desire to be here can make your plans.
Again, thanks to all of you for your prayer support on her behalf.
On another note, please be in prayer for Norman's mom too. He called to tell me that her periods of being unaware of who his dad is are lengthening. She was agitated with him for about an hour and a half today, would not take her medicine and kept asking for Mr. G to find Leon (Norman's dad) and bring him back. They do have an appointment with their family doctor tomorrow. Please pray that he will be able to give Dad some insight as to what they need to do regarding her care. Also, Norman may have to go out to meet with his dad, brother and sister to make some plans about care and possibly moving her to a care facility. That will be so hard on all of them. Please pray for wisdom and strength to do what is best for Mrs. Gillaspie.
Posted by
6:08 AM
Labels: Grandmothers
Wednesday afternoon update:
Hello Family and Friends,
Just wanted to let you all know where we stand with Mother. The cardiologist came in this morning to talk with us. He had talked extensively with the surgeon (after the surgeon had talked with Mother last night) and they both agree the only way for her to get better is to have the aortic valve replaced. She has an irregular heart beat and her heart is weakening so t"he treating this with medicine" option is out. He said her quality of life would only digress which would basically mean she would be confined to a bed or chair. Previous to her going to the doctor on Monday it was it wore her out to unload the dryer or tie her shoes. So, she told Dr. Bhott, that she was ready to have the surgery. She is at peace with this decision and feels whatever happens is the Lord's will. Right now I am waiting to talk with the surgeon, Dr. Wilson, to get the final details, but Dr. Bhott said that he told him he was planning to do the surgery this Friday. She will remain in the hospital until they do the surgery so they can keep her stable. When I get the chance to talk with Dr. Wilson and get further info, I will pass it on to all of you.
We all appreciate the calls, visits, and notes from you. I know that is the reason we have such a peace and calm about all of this...your prayers are giving us strength from the Lord.
Thanks to all of you at school for taking up the slack for me. I appreciate you.
Love and hugs!
Here is the update from my mom regarding Mimmie's condition:
We finally got to meet with the Cardiologist regarding the next step for Mother. He confirmed that the aorta valve is not functioning properly and is basically wearing out. He said they are not going to make a hasty decision about what to do next. He is consulting with other well known cardiologist in state and out of state to get their opinions on what they would do. He did say he was going to treat her as if she were his own mom which I appreciated. What would he prescribe for her if she were in that state. He wants to have a concensus of opinions before they decide what they should do. They will consider her age and other health issues in making a decision. He did say the good news is that she does not have any other problems with blockage in the coronary arteries. If she did, it would not be a hard decision. They would go in and fix the arteries and the valve at the same time. However, since that is not an issue, it creates a more difficult decision, because this is not an easy surgery to recover from. He said it would take maybe a year for her to gain full recovery. Mother did ask what he would do if they did not do the surgery and he told her they would treat it with medicine. But that it is like a faucett that is clogged up...it will still work but it will not work properly or at full capacity until the clog is removed. She does have some calcium build up in the mitral valve but nothing to worry about. So, she will be in the hospital over night and then I am assuming she will come home tomorrow. Then she will wait to hear from Dr. Bhott who will call her in after he has gathered all the other opinions.
I appreciate your prayers. Mother feels good about what he has told her and is willing to do what he feels is best for her. Dr. Bhott was very open and honest with her and said before he left that he would be seeking the Lord's help in this decision as well. That made me feel very good!
We appreciate your prayers and ask that you continue to pray for all involved (Patient, family, and doctors) and that the decisions that are made will be in Mimmie's best interest!
Posted by
6:37 AM
Labels: Grandmothers
I am asking for prayer for my Memaw (Genevieve Gillaspie). She had a lung infection and was very confused and agitated. I got word yesterday that the infection is clearing up but that they had diagnosed her with Dementia. Then I heard from my Daddy last night that for about 30 minutes she did not know who Pawpaw was, she told him to call her when Leon gets home. It just breaks my heart and can’t imagine being married to someone for 60 years and then that person not know who I am. Please continue to lift up Leon and Genevieve Gillaspie through this time. Also their kids (Norman, Tricia, and Paul) grandchildren (Alison, Andrea, Christiana, Anthony Benjamin, Joseph, Ashely, Josh, Nick and Jake) and great-grandchild (Camryn).
Also, my mom got a call yesterday that they were taking my Mimmie (Thalia Curtis) to the hospital because she had a heaviness on her chest and was short of breath. They did an EKG and it showed a narrowing of the Aorta, so they are going to do a heart cath in the morning early to determine exactly what the problem is. Her primary care doctor said that the EKG tests showed that the aorta valve is not functioning as it should which is therefore causing the blood to build up in her lungs thus causing the shortness of breath. Hopefully it will something they can stint. If so, they will do it while they are in there. If not, we are talking bypass surgery. Please remember Joe and Thalia Curtis and my mom and her sister (Alicia and Shelia).
Posted by
6:24 AM
Labels: Grandmothers
One of the first things that I found to be important for me to is to know that we go through different seasons in life. This is just like in the vineyards.
There is a season of newness where the vines are being planted and sprouting all kinds of new buds for grapes and leaves. There is pruing to be done in this season.
There is a season of growth where there are leaves in full bloom and where the grapes are growing and the fruit is multiplying.
There is the season of harvest when the fruit has come to fullness and it is time to take that fruit and use it for it's purpose.
Then there is the season of dormancy. This comes after harvest and the vines are dorment for a time due to the winter. There is not growth that can be seen on the outside. This is also the time where there is heavy duty pruning that is done by the farmers. They really get in there and cut off vines that are dead and cut back the fruitful vines so that they can produce even more fruit the next season.
I know in my life...I have been through this process many times just like the seasons come each year. I think it is important not to get discouraged if you do not feel like you are growing and producing fruit like you want. God's timing is perfect and His ways are higher than ours. Just like the seasons, you will see much growth at some points in your life and then there are the times of dormancy (after harvest) where there is a lot of work to do in your life. This is a painful process, but a very necessary process. I have learned I have to let go the control I try to have and let God be in complete control.
Posted by
7:34 AM
Labels: Abide in Him
Just last week, I added the sitemeter to my blog. I like to look at it see how someone got onto my blog. There have been several people just in the last few days that have at least clicked on the blog because when you google the words "abide in him" my blog will come up in the results. This really got me thinking about the fact the there are people out there searching this subject and that I could use my blog to show what I learned through Bible study, life experiences and other books on this subject.
Over the next few posts I am going to try to communicate all of this to you. I am praying that the Lord will use this as a tool to help minister to others.
To start off this "series" I'll begin with John 15:1-11 (English Standard Version)
1"I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser.
2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
3 Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you.
4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.
5 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
6 If anyone does not abide in me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned.
7 If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
8 By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.
9 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.
10 If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love.
11 These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full".
Posted by
6:57 AM
Labels: Abide in Him
Sorry for all the music references lately...however, the words of these songs speak to me; music is one of my big passions. I have sung this song for many years, but the words are a good reminder to us today:
This is no time for fear
This is a time for faith and determination
Don't lose the vision here
Carried away by emotion
Hold on to all that you hide in your heart
There is one thing that has always been true
It holds the world together
God is in control
We believe that His children will not be forsaken
God is in control
We will choose to remember and never be shaken
There is no power above or beside Him, we know
God is in control, oh God is in control
History marches on
There is a bottom line drawn across the ages
Culture can make its plan
Oh, but the line never changes
No matter how the deception may fly
There is one thing that has always been true
It will be true forever
He has never let you down
Why start to worry now?
He is still the Lord of all we see
And He is still the loving Father
Watching over you and me
watching over you...watching over me..
watching over every things..
watching over you..watching over me..
every little sparrow..every little things...
Posted by
6:49 AM
Are the trees changing where you live? This is one of my most favorite times of the year to just look around on God's creation. There are no crayons in the world that can compare to the colors God uses in creation. The splashes of orange, firey reds, vibrant yellows, rusty browns...just beautiful!
I hope that you will begin to truly enjoy the beauty of the fall!
This video is of Nicole Nordemen's song called "Every Season".
Posted by
6:39 AM