He had been hit by a car and his leg was broken. He was really sweet and just ended up capturing my heart. John was not thrilled with the idea AT ALL! (which is why the below picture is funny...this was the day we got him...he took to John quickly. What is funny to me is that this picture is the normal relationship between John and Gus now, but then it was HILARIOUS!)
He insisted that he would NOT sleep with us at all, and for about 2 months he did not. Then it was time for John to go on a fishing trip...he said "When I get back, I don't want Gus to be in bed with us"...not 30 minutes later that night before he left, HE brought Gus to the bed and he as been there ever since! SUCKER!
It really is hard to imagine life without Gus. He is the perfect dog for us. He is quiet and enjoys sitting right beside you on the couch or curled up snoozing in the bed.

He rounds out our little family. Love you Gussie Boy!