We're leaving in May
We want to be a part of it
New York, New York!
New York, New York!

Yes, it is official, almost 13 years of marriage we are going on a real vacation.
Yes, of course we have gone to Branson for a long weekend and we have our annual Christmas Vacation in Branson with the Kerr Family, but this year we decided to take a real live week-long vacation and we decided on New York City! Technically we'll be staying in New Jersey but our time will be spent in "The Big Apple"...the "Contrete Jungle where dreams are made of..." (Insert your own nickname for NYC).
I'm really excited because I have been with my friend on her business trip when we took her daughter to see NYC and had a great time. John has never been so it will be exciting to be there with someone who has not seen it...and maybe after this he can stop asking me if that is REALLY what it is like in NYC...when we see a scene from any movie filmed there...yes it is what it looks like but it is not easy to comprehend until you have been. :-)

That's our big news that we wanted to share!
Where is your favorite vacation spot?