I must say I am VERY proud to say that our niece is Arkansan of the Week. She spent most of her summer in Africa on a mission trip. Our local ABC affiliate allows people to be nominated for "Arkansan of the Week" and as you listen to her story you will see why she is very deserving!
Click Here to see see the video. You will have to hit the little arrow on the bottom left corner of video box to start it. There is a very short commercial at the beginning.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Arkansan of the Week
Posted by
1:41 PM
Monday, August 18, 2008
Posted by
4:14 PM
Me Oh My...
...and I don't even have any biological children going to school today, but I have cried tears this morning!
My neice, Camryn, told her mother this morning that her stomach felt a little bit funny about 1st grade. The child is a worrier...she gets it honest, from her mother. She has been asking Andrea if 1st grade would be hard...getting real grades, etc. She is very smart and it wasn't until about the 2nd semester of kindergarten that she even encountered things she didn't already know. Andrea told her that 1st grade would be like kindergarten, in that you learn as you go. Stop worrying! (I'm sure she will post with pictures of her 1st day in 1st grade soon.
My best friend's daughter (and my adopted neice) started kindergarten today. There will most likely be 3 posts regarding this milestone, by this afternoon. One from last night, one from this morning with pictures of the momentous occasion and I'm sure one this evening after they get the scoop from Belle.
My little ones are growing up!
Posted by
1:29 PM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
3 years have passed...
Until we meet again...
Love you!

Posted by
6:22 AM
Saturday, August 2, 2008
"I've Got to Get Out There and Do This Thing"
Yes, Lord! That is what about all I can say at this point. Last night and this morning I attended the Beth Moore Simulcast. I have really been looking forward to this for about a month. Thanks to my grandparents who sent me birthday money and it was exactly the amount of the ticket! Memaw and Pawpaw...that $30 was well spent and will continue on for a 1,000 generations.
Of course, if you have ever heard Beth speak, you know that you take notes like crazy and it is so much "meat" that takes a while to digest. As I go back through my notes and let the Lord continue to work through what I have heard, I'll make some posts to the blog so that you can be blessed by the message God gave Beth. The most amazing part is that I was just one of 70,000 women who attended this conference. There were 715 locations in 49 states and 4 countries that all heard this WORD this weekend. If each of us steps into living in our 100-fold harvest...WOW...what an impact we can have.
If you were able to attend the simulcast this weekend, I pray you were as blessed as well!
Posted by
8:30 PM