Monday, August 25, 2008

Arkansan of the Week

I must say I am VERY proud to say that our niece is Arkansan of the Week. She spent most of her summer in Africa on a mission trip. Our local ABC affiliate allows people to be nominated for "Arkansan of the Week" and as you listen to her story you will see why she is very deserving!

Click Here to see see the video. You will have to hit the little arrow on the bottom left corner of video box to start it. There is a very short commercial at the beginning.


The Burns Family said...

Wise beyond her years. Great upbringing, I'd say. :)

Billie said...

I'm so very proud of her, too!

AliciaG said...

I was so proud of her too! What an awesome young lady with a great heart for people and what God wants of her. I am sure God is going to use her in a mighty way in her life.

The Timberframer's Wife said...

How neat!