Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Our 9-year Anniversary

WOW! 9 years ago, two young kids said their vows and entered into this crazy thing called "marriage". On this journey we have had our ups and downs. Sometimes we didn't even know if we were going to make it. But we have survived by the grace of God. Over these years I have learned several things:

1) Love is Not a Feeling, it grows through happy times and through difficult times.

2) We may not be at the place in our lives that we thought we would be after 9 years of marriage. If we were on my time-table, we would have at least one child possibly two...but the Lord knows what we need and when we need it! HIS ways are higher than my ways!

3) Friends are a blessing from the Lord! During 8 years of our marriage we have had one set of friends that have stuck with us (and we with them) through EVERYTHING. We love them dearly and wouldn't trade anything in the world for the friendship we have with them.

Here we are with our neices and nephews (at that time):

Happy Anniversary Honey!


The Proctors said...

Happy Anniversary Alison and John!!

Jeremy, Shonda, Mitchell & Mason said...

Happy anniversary! I'm so happy for you guys!

Billie said...

...And we wouldn't have went anywhere...

Happy Anniversary!

Tiffany said...

Happy Anniversary Yesterday! Love you guys!

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

how cute are you! happy anniversary!!

Sunshine Montessori said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Where has the time gone????