Oh dear...our Kerr Family Christmas has several characters. If you follow me on Facebook, back on December 18th...you saw that Cousin Eddie (Keith and Family) and The Grinch (Pat and Family) showed up at our family vacation. LOL!!!
For the last three years the Kerr's meet up in Branson. This year was great...I took it easy (by that I mean left the "directing" up to others...That job will not be mine again...yeah!), slept late, no schedule, visited a lot with nephews, nieces bothers and sister-in-laws. It was wonderful!
Here are a few pics...
The boys always give each other gag gifts...one of the highlights of our present opening time:
Zak, Robert, and Kristi enjoying being together
Present Time (Saturday Night):
Lauren brought a friend along this year...they bought matching glasses for each other!
Keith's got GRILLZ
You turn 18 in our family and you are no longer exempt from gag gifts...problem is he liked them...see photo below!
Even Dad is not exempt...he got a SpongeBob SquareTie!
This gift to Pat took the cake this year...Anti-MonkeyButt Bathroom gift set!
Told you he liked them...
One of Grayson's nicknames is Master G...well he used Keith Grillz to complete his look!Fun was had by all! Love to all my Kerr Family...I've been with you all for half of my life! WOW!
Ok...I want to kiss Graysons FACE OFF!
nice family, mery christmas and happy newyear
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