WOW! It is hard to believe we are down to the final three contestants on American Idol. I must say that this past weekend everyone was going crazy here in Conway, AR. Close to 20,000 people crammed into our downtown area to see Kris perform live. Funny how about 5 seconds of each hometown visit was shown. As tired as the guys were and as many appearances that were made and they only show the time of them getting their text message about what song.
This is one of the most best parts of American Idol...getting to see each hometown and all the hoopla that goes on with it. Not sure why Fox is keeping AI to one hour recently. This has been the season of them going overtime. Maybe they will change it for next separating Paula and Simon. I mean they were all a little over-the-top childish acting last night. I wrote down a saying from Mrs. Following Footsteps "Kids, I'm gonna pull this show over!"
On to the singing:
Danny -
Song picked by Paula - "Dance Little Sister" - I had not heard the song but it was perfect for Danny. Funky song...we liked it! Good Job! Comment from Hubby "Shocking that Paula would pick a dance song."
His Choice - "You are So Beautiful" - Oh...FABULOUS! Love, Love, Love this song! EXCELLENT choice Danny-boy!
Kris - (sandwiched in the middle of the two they want in the finals)
Song picked by Randy and Kara - "Apologize" - this song. I liked that he played the piano. Song was like the original--the only one he sang like the original all season and he gets bashed. This song in my mind doesn't lend itself for much interpretation.
His Choice - "Heartless" - Started out acapella and then just him and the guitar! BRILLIANT performance! Excellent choice Kris! We loved it!
Adam -
Song picked by Simon - "One" - Oh the first half of that was BEAUTIFUL! I really like it when he just sings in his pure tone. Just as I was asking Hubs if this song lends itself to the tongue and began. Dang...I was really hoping to like the whole song as much as I did the first part of it.
His Choice - "Cryin'" - The first half of this song was karaoke sounding to me. I get the feeling he did not try because he just knows he will make it to the finals.
Our conversation during this song was "I wonder what he sounds like when he is put on the spot to like "Happy Birthday" or something?
This one is a close call...I agree that all three are worthy of the finals. It was totally left up to America...however we could have all done with out Simon's plea to vote for Adam.
Wyatt's Fall Family Pics
10 years ago
And again...they may have just backfired their little plan and we shall see Kris and Danny tomorrow!
At least...I would laugh...I mean...I think Simon was trying to back peddle with his "now now...there is no guarantee he will be here so vote". So, I would laugh.
Although, I'm still praying Kris would stick with Christian...
Kris woudl stick with Christian? Is he a Christian recording artist? I wasn't aware of that.
I TOTALLY agree with everything you said, especially the parts about Adam's first half being better (and easier to listen to!) than the second. Ugh.
Kris totally won me over tonight, I would love to see him in the finale.
I really dislike the changes they have made to the Idol format this season, too much judges and not enough performer time. I think tonight they will go more in depth with the hometown visits -- those are the best!
No Kris is not a Christian recording artist...he is a worship leader in my church. There are some who would like to see him persue that line of music. I know on our local news he was asked that question and he said his album would be in the mainstream. I'll be buying his album either way.
Juliet...thanks for visiting the blog...I'm sad BooMama didn't post...I'll have to go back and find the people I like to read on Wednesday on an older mister linky!
Danny and Kris' second song were both AMAZING! I love me some Adam...but it's same thing over and over every week. He sings great and ends up screaming...although always on key. lol.
I too heard Kris will do mainstream music. Regardless of where he's from, he is so talented!
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